Want to read articles and studies about RDI?

The National Autism Center 2009 report indicates that RDI® should be included as a Developmental Therapy is listed as an “Emerging” therapy.

There is some research building to further support the efficacy of RDI®.

Gutstein, S, (2005) Relationship Development Intervention: Developing a Treatment Program to Address the Unique Social and Emotional Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Spectrum Quarterly, Winter, 8-12.

Gutstein, S., Burgess, A. & Montfort, K. (2007). Evaluation of the Relationship Development Intervention Program. Autism, 11, 397-411.

Hobson, J. A., Hobson, P., Gutstein, S., Ballarani, A., Bargiota, K. (2008) Caregiver-child relatedness in autism, what changes with intervention? Poster presented at the meeting of the International Meeting for Autism Research

For more information, please read Introduction to the RDI® Consultation Program By Dr. Steven Gutstein, creator of RDI®.

Beurkens, N., Hobson, J.A. & Hobson, R.P. (2012). Autism severity and qualities of parent child relations. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43(1), 168-78. doi:10.1007/s10803-012- 1562-4

Gutstein, S. (2000). Solving the relationship puzzle: A new developmental program that opens doors to lifelong social & emotional growth. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons.

Gutstein, S. (2009). The RDI book: Forgoing new pathways for autism, asperger’s and PDD with Relationship Development Intervention program. Houston, TX: Connections Center Publishing.

Gutstein, S. (unpublished). Preliminary evaluation of the relationship development intervention program. Journal of Autism & Related Disorders. Retrieved from: http://faculty.caldwell.edu/kreeve/Gutstein%20unpublished%20RDI%20manuscript.pdf

Hobson, J. A. (2009). The guided participation relationship as a focus for change in children with autism and their parents. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.

Hobson, J. A., & Hobson, R. P. (2011). Emotional regulation in autism: A relational, therapeutic perspective. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, May 12–14, San Diego, CA. Retrieved from: https://imfar.confex.com/imfar/2011/webprogram/Paper8196.html

Hobson, J.A, Hobson, R.P., Gutstein, S., Ballarani, A., & Bargiota, K. (2008). Caregiver- child relationship in autism: What changes with intervention? Poster session presented at International Meeting Autism Research, London, England. Retrieved from: https://imfar.confex.com/imfar/2008/webprogram/Paper2505.html

Hobson, J.A., Tarver, L., Beurkens, N. & Hobson, R.P. (2016). The relation between severity of autism and caregiver-child interaction: A study in the context of relationship-oriented intervention. doi: 10.1007/s10802-015- 0067

Larkin, F., Guerin, S., & Hobson, J.A. (2013). The Relationship Development Assessment-Research Version: Preliminary validation of clinical tool and coding schemes to measure parent-child interaction in autism. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1177/1359104513514065

Palmiotto, Jennifer (2015). A qualitative content analysis of parent-child interactions in autism within RDI. Retrieved from database http://gradworks.umi.com/37/02/3702866.html .(3702866)

The RDI Program; Go to the source

Dr. Gustein and Sheely’s website at RDI Connect has more information for parents and professionals to learn more details about the RDI program. Check out The RDI Program

Empowering Families through Relationship Development Intervention

Dr. Gutstein’s August 2009 article published by the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists talks about RDI as a program designed to empower and guide parents of children, adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and similar developmental disorders to function as facilitators for their children’s mental development. Empowering Families

For more publications and research by Dr. Steve Gutstein and others click here and here

Mom Talking Autism

Get some real info and opinions from a real mom. Read one moms informative blog here

University Professor and RDI Mom Talking Autism

This RDI mom also happens to be a university prof and professional in the field. See what the good Doctor has to say about her RDI experience in her article keys to developing relationships.

How to co-regulate and communicate without any verbal language

Need a demonstration of how coregulation works developmentally and why we focus on a ‘redo’ of the appropriate stages of dynamic process based communication. Watch this baby make a compelling argument for RDI

Don’t believe everything you hear; straight talk about Autism

Dr Barry Prizant’s article from the Spring 2009 Issue of Autism Sprectrum Quarterly talks about the myths and facts about Autism Research and ABA.Straight Talk about Autism

ABA and RDI Comparison

Chrissy Poulton has a master’s degree in Applied Behaviour Analysis. In this paper she compares the service models of ABA and RDI. Chrissy is now a Certified RDI® Consultant. Read the paper here